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Five things school representatives should know about the 2019 PEC election

January 15, 2019

1. Your assistance with promoting it is invaluable.

The election of teachers to Provincial Executive Council (PEC) enables Alberta Teachers’ Association members to have their say in who will represent them on important issues affecting teaching practice and public education in Alberta. School representatives are important liaisons between the provincial Association and the members of its 55 voting locals. You are critical to making sure teachers know not only that there is an election taking place, but that their votes matter when it comes to maintaining a strong, relevant and inspired teaching profession.

2. There will be a campaign booth at all teachers’ conventions.

For the second year, campaign booths will be at teachers’ conventions. Let your colleagues know that these booths provide them an opportunity to inform their vote by meeting and asking questions of the teachers running in the 2019 PEC election.

Where will the campaign booth be located? Look for a combination of bright yellow, green and orange stand-up banners with the PEC election logo, or ask anyone at the ATA convention booth.

3. Online voting instructions will be mailed to you on or about Feb. 25.

Election voting will be conducted online. To ensure all members are aware of how to vote, the Association is sending to each school in the province (with three or more teachers) a package containing one set of instructions to every teacher at that location. These packages will be addressed to the attention of the school representative, so keep an eye out for them!

4. Election resources are available on the Association website at

The Association website ( contains information on all aspects of the 2019 PEC election and even has a “Promote” section where school representatives and other ATA members will find various shareable graphics and information ready for posting and tweeting.

5. Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

School representatives like you provide a face and voice for the Association in every school in the province and, through your work with your locals, you help the Association hear the voices of thousands of teachers. Your role is important to the democracy of our organization and is especially appreciated during election time. ❚

Watch for voting instructions

On or about Feb. 25, online voting instructions for the 2019 PEC election will be sent to all schools employing three or more teachers. The election packages will be addressed to the attention of the school representative(s) and contain one set of voting instructions for each ATA member eligible to vote at each location. School representatives are required to distribute the instructions to each teacher on staff.

Voting instructions will be mailed to the homes of associate members, members on a leave of absence and those members at schools employing two or fewer teachers.

On the day of the mailing, the voting instructions will also be posted on the ATA website.

Find out more about the 2019 PEC election by visiting the ATA homepage at❚

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